Our Story
Welcome to our Shopify store! Here you will find unique art products and designs by Artist Todd Breitling. Todd is a talented painter and award winning nature photographer with a passion for inviting people to see a new and unique perspective of light, color, and design hidden in the everyday world.
Todd’s wife, Nina is a very active person. With a background in dance, yoga, running, weightlifting, and while working from home, she really lives in leggings. For her birthday several years ago, she asked Todd to turn some of his brilliant, mesmerizing photographs and paintings into leggings and other clothing designs so she could wear his art. What happened next was a wonderful surprise to them both; people started chasing her after workouts to ask how to buy the leggings. Todd and Nina are delighted to now offer these select designs to you. Their wish is to celebrate nature and the art inherent in each individual body, while bringing more color and play into the world.
Every design has a full story, see if you can guess what the images really are. We promise not to keep you guessing too long. Come join the evolution of wearable art. Your body is a work of art, dress it accordingly!
Another part of our story pertains to the items "Dripping Colors", "Eye Come In Peace", "Melodic Dreams", and "Radiant Redemption". All of these items were created by hundreds of awesome folks, including my wife and I, at Camp GLP. Camp GLP stands for the Good Life Project, which is a project founded by Jonathan and Stephanie Fields. They invited the incredible Artist Max Frieder to camp a few years ago and under his fantastic direction we all created a massive, beautiful mural. Max is the co-founder of Artolution.org, which is a non profit organization dedicated to transforming lives through public art. Please consider making a donation to them as they make a HUGE difference in our world, especially with their work with the global refugee crisis.